
George Orwell


25 июня 190321 января 1950

Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English author and journalist. His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice, an intense opposition to totalitarianism, a passion for clarity in language, and a belief in democratic socialism.In addition to his literary career Orwell served as a a police officer with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922–1927 and fought with the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War from 1936–1937. Orwell was severely wounded when he was shot through his throat. Later the organization that he had joined when he joined the Republican cause,The Workers Party of Marxist Unification (POUM), was painted by the pro-Soviet Communists as a Trotskyist organization (Trotsky was Joseph Stalin's enemy) and disbanded. Orwell and his wife were accused of "rabid Trotskyism" and tried in absentia in Barcelona, along with other leaders of the POUM, in 1938. However by then they had escaped from Spain and returned to England. Between 1941 and 1943, Orwell worked on propaganda for the BBC. In 1943, he became literary editor of the Tribune, a weekly left-wing magazine. He was a prolific polemical journalist, article writer, literary critic, reviewer, poet and writer of fiction, and, considered perhaps the twentieth century's best chronicler of English culture. Orwell is best known for the dystopian novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" (published in 1949) and the satirical novella "Animal Farm" (1945) — they have together sold more copies than any two books by any other twentieth-century author. His 1938 book "Homage to Catalonia", an account of his experiences as a volunteer on the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War, together with numerous essays on politics, literature, language, and culture, are widely acclaimed.Orwell's influence on contemporary culture, popular and political, continues decades after his death. Several of his neologisms, along with the term "Orwellian" — now a byword for any oppressive or manipulative social phenomenon opposed to a free society — have entered the vernacular.


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    Отличная книга

    Наталья Тикуноваделится впечатлением4 месяца назад

    Несмотря на нескрытую очевидность и прямолинейную метафоричность, книга все равно тяжелая. Наверное, одна из главных причин этого именно для меня — любовь к животным. Тяжело читать об их боли, о несправедливости мира по отношению к ним, о безысходности их жизни.
    Но как же четко, как же метко, как же хорошо передана главная мысль, которая тянется через всю книгу — «ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS» («ВСЕ ЖИВОТНЫЕ РАВНЫ, НО НЕКОТОРЫЕ РАВНЕЕ»). Для кого-то это книга о невозможности равенства, для кого-то — об отсутствии справедливости. Для меня она о том, что миром правят дураки, но это не отменяет существование умных, честных и порядочных людей (или животных). Количество вторых никогда не превысит количество первых, но если держаться за них, возможно, жизнь не будет такой уж ужасно печальной и беспросветной.

    Я рада, что прочитала эту книгу в оригинале и смогла переводить имена животных и игру слов так, как отзывалось мне. К тому же, простой, но идеально подходящий сюжету слог Оруэлла мне очень запал в душу. И я не удивлена, что эта книга была запрещена. Люди (те, что здесь свиньи) не любят правду. С помощью нее не получится управлять другими :)