John Mason

John Mason


John Mason is a national best-selling author, noted speaker and executive authorcoach. He is the founder and president of Insight International and InsightPublishing Group.He has authored fifteen books including An Enemy Called Average, You’re Born AnOriginal-Don’t Die A Copy, and Know Your Limits—Then Ignore Them which havesold over 1.5 million copies and are translated into thirty-five languages throughoutthe world. These books are widely known as a source of sound wisdom, genuinemotivation, and practical principles. His writings have been published in Reader’sDigest along with numerous other national publications. And four of his books havereached the #1 spot on Amazon best-seller lists.Known for his quick wit, powerful thoughts and insightful ideas, he is a popularspeaker across the U.S. and around the world.John and his wife, Linda, have four children: Michelle, Greg, Michael and David.They reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma
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