understanding of the same matter are not mutually exclusive
He's not very pleasant personally, I grant you, his manners are terrible and he's dirty, but as far as the trial's concerned he's quite immaculate.' I said immaculate, but I was deliberately exaggerating.
How are we to avoid those in office becoming deeply corrupt when everything is devoid of meaning?
and I've often regretted it, as I'd like to know everything and I'm very interested in legal matters.
It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves.
No, I don't want to any more,
when you've been in the world for thirty years already and had to make your own way through everything yourself, which has been my lot, then you become hardened to surprises and don't take them too hard
He'd see to it you got a right thumping, and us and all!
insinuate his way into the thoughts of the policemen, to re-shape those thoughts to his benefit or to make himself at home there
authorities as far as I know, and I only know the lowest grades, don't go out looking for guilt among the public; it's the guilt that draws them out, like it says in the law