According to Jonas, Bradbury was the first author who looked at the technology and modern science as if it is “a bag in which benefits and vices are mixed together”. The critic also said Bradbury’s books were still massively read half a century after they had been written, they were included in the school curricula.
Unfortunately, author’s dismal prognoses become true in separate countries where along with the high-level consumption of material benefits, the level of interest in traditional books is very low and, as a result, the rates of hypocrisy and ignorant aggressiveness, as well as double standards are at their very worst.
comprehended and thought over during hundreds of years, is a memory of generations. It is a historical collection of everything created by a human from the times of a writing appearance. In the society, where the books are forbidden, it is impossible to preserve all of this and it becomes a foundation of a complete social regress.
Ray Bradbury’s idea is the following: if we are not guided by the experience of previous generations, the free and fair art, then the future, described in Fahrenheit 451, will be inevitable. When people have a choice between a book and an entertaining video, more often they choose the second one, an educational level of the population descends and it leads to a mass degradation and incapability to think that causes stagnation in every sphere of human activity.